
Getting ready to switch to VoIP phones

Voice over Internet Protocol, commonly known as VoIP, allows you and your employees to make and take phone calls over the Internet using your existing broadband connection. It saves you loads of money and increases team efficiency. If you’re considering moving to a VoIP solution, here are some of the most important aspects to address […]

How to make the most of Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word has become the go-to word processor for businesses big and small. It is used by every department and almost every type of personnel, but its constant updates and huge number of features mean there are lots of functions unknown to most users. Here, we uncover some of the most useful tricks with Word […]

New Spectre-style attack discovered

Security experts are constantly discovering new potential threats, and quite recently, they’ve found a new type of Spectre-style attack more dangerous than the original. Here’s a quick rundown of the new Spectre variant. Spectre 101 For those who don’t know, Spectre is a vulnerability in modern computer chips like Intel and AMD that allows hackers […]

Why businesses need web monitoring

The internet is indispensable for improving business productivity, but it’s also an outlet for procrastination. With unfettered access to the internet, it’s easy to stray away from your important work responsibilities. Fortunately, web monitoring can ensure your employees don’t overuse non-work-related sites. Time-saving measures Internet monitoring software saves employees from visiting entertainment, gaming, or online […]

Get the best VoIP experience with these apps

VoIP apps let users send messages, make phone calls, and do other tasks through an internet connection. Most apps offer the essential services for free, and they can harmonize with your devices for consistent usage. Here are some of the top VoIP apps. WhatsApp The increasingly popular WhatsApp provides more than just text chats between […]

Office 365 security considerations

It’s easy to see why Office 365 is an attractive solution for small and medium-sized businesses already familiar with the Office interface. More and more companies are making the move to the cloud, but there are security issues to consider. Identify your company’s sensitive data… Most files housed within your servers contain sensitive commercial and […]

IT security policies your company needs

When it comes to Internet security, most small businesses don’t have security policies in place. And considering that employee error is one of the most common causes of a security breach, it makes sense to implement rules your staff needs to follow. Here are four things your IT policies should cover. Internet In today’s business […]

Tips on adding value to your business data

Data is incredibly valuable. The more of it your business generates, the easier it is to predict market and customer behaviors. Analytics solutions aren’t always the right fit for small businesses, but that doesn’t mean their data isn’t valuable. Here are some ways to add real value to your business by harnessing the power of […]

Causes of call-quality issues of VoIP

Phones are absolutely essential to any company’s communications arsenal. And after Alexander Graham Bell made the first coast-to-coast long-distance call in 1915, it was clear that this was technology that had the power to transform businesses. But as with all emerging technologies, there were some kinks to work out. Choppy Voice The main factor in […]

Office 365’s design undergoes an overhaul

Microsoft recently announced that Office 365 apps, including Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word will be going through a design overhaul to boost productivity of their subscribers. They plan on releasing new features in the next few months. Check out what they have in store. Simplified ribbon The biggest update is with the ribbon, which is […]