
Unlock your team’s peak productivity with Viva Insights

Wondering how your team can get past its productivity plateau? Feeling like there’s untapped potential hidden within your workflows? Your search for answers ends with Viva Insights. This innovative tool from Microsoft uses the power of data to analyze your team’s collaboration patterns and identify areas for improvement. Here’s how you can utilize Viva Insights […]

Debunking top disaster recovery myths: Essential insights for businesses

As businesses embrace digital transformation, the specter of disasters looms larger than ever. Cyberattacks, system failures, and natural disasters are no longer rare occurrences but rather everyday challenges that organizations must confront. However, amidst these challenges, numerous myths and misconceptions about disaster recovery persist. Myth 1: Disaster recovery is only necessary for large corporations News […]

Understanding the role of cyber insurance

The evolving cyberthreat landscape poses a significant risk to small businesses. Cybercriminals often target such businesses due to the valuable data they possess and possibly less advanced security measures. To protect themselves, small businesses often implement safeguards including firewalls, data backups, and ongoing cybersecurity training for employees. However, these solutions alone may not be sufficient […]

Does unified communications impact business growth?

For many businesses today, unified communications (UC) is a game-changer. By streamlining communication processes, UC has the power to revolutionize business communication systems, resulting in reduced costs and numerous other benefits. In this article, we delve into the rising cost-efficiency and accessibility of UC solutions, highlighting their indispensable role for many companies. Unified communications defined […]

NIST-recommended guidelines for passwords

Weak passwords and bad password management habits continue to be significant cybersecurity threats, jeopardizing the integrity of critical data and systems. Recognizing this risk, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) developed standards and best practices for password creation and management. By following the NIST guidelines, users can significantly improve password strength and cybersecurity. […]

Future-proofing your business communications: Why AI-powered VoIP is the intelligent choice

For businesses seeking to optimize their Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems, artificial intelligence (AI) presents a compelling opportunity. AI-powered VoIP solutions go beyond cost savings, offering a comprehensive strategy to enhance telecommunications efficiency and user experience. AI-powered call analysis AI-powered customer experience analysis offers valuable insights into your customer service operations. These tools can […]

Microsoft 365 migration pitfalls to watch out for

The global trend of organizations migrating their data and systems to Microsoft 365 is on the rise. If you’re considering joining this migration wave, it’s imperative to steer clear of potential pitfalls. Here, we highlight some of the most common mistakes of migration and offer some insights into how to execute a successful and stress-free […]

How hackers can infiltrate your systems

While technology empowers us in many ways, it also opens up vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors. When breaching your systems, hackers will typically look for the path of least resistance, which is often through these common entry points. Social engineering Social engineering is a form of manipulation used to get people to […]

Navigating VoIP costs beyond the monthly fee

Tired of sky-high phone bills and outdated systems? Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) promises clear calls, advanced features, and significant savings. But before you jump on the bandwagon, it’s crucial to understand the costs associated with owning a VoIP system. 1. Initial costs These are expenses related to getting the VoIP system. Some large corporations […]